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Positive improvements being made at College

At the end of last week Ofsted released their latest monitoring report for Carisbrooke College.

The school was placed in Special Measures in April 2013. The latest report finds “The school is making reasonable progress towards the removal of special measures” and “may now appoint newly qualified teachers”.

Significant staff changes
Since the last monitoring visit 28 members of staff have left the school, including one of the deputy headteachers and 13 new members of staff have joined.

It was reported at the end of August 2014 that the college unfortunately had a disappointing drop in GCSE results. Despite this, in new subjects, such as engineering and health and social care, results were impressive say Ofsted.

The report goes on to say that students in Year 11 who entered the school with below average attainment had made at least good progress in many subjects during their time at school.

Highlights from the report
The inspector found,

  • In lessons, students are achieving more because teaching is better. Work in books is improving. Students take more care over the presentation of their work.
  • Increasing numbers of students respond well to teachers’ questions.
  • The school has doubled the frequency with which it collects information about students’ progress.
  • This rigorous assessment is necessary to ensure that teachers have accurate information about current attainment and rates of progress
  • Sensible systems are developing to enable teachers to compare the standards of students’ work with others locally.
  • Achievement is also improving because a majority of teachers are setting higher expectations for their students.
  • Behaviour continues to improve. Fewer students are excluded now, due to leaders’ effective actions to improve behaviour.
  • Fewer lessons are disrupted.
  • Attendance continues to improve, as does punctuality to school and to lessons.
  • Teaching is improving.
  • Leadership at all levels is improving.
  • Governors have supported the headteacher in his continuous drive for improvement.
  • More teachers are planning appropriate lessons.
  • They are checking more frequently how well students are learning during lessons.
  • Teaching assistants provide effective support for many of the students.

Full details in the report embedded below. Click on the full screen icon to see larger version.

Image: apdk under CC BY 2.0