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Positive Ofsted report for Academy in Special Measures

This in from Sandown Bay Academy, in their own words. Ed

Once again Sandown Bay Academy is proud to announce improvements praised by Ofsted inspectors during a two day monitoring visit on 20th and 21st May.

Inspectors praised the Principal highly and commented on his ‘quiet and very firm determination’ to bring about improvements. They felt that the impact of his strong leadership is apparent across the academy.

Improvements in teaching and provision
The report published today, states that achievement is improving in all year groups as a result of ‘better teaching and the wide range of interventions and special support.’ Disabled students or those with special educational needs are also set to make better progress because provision is better.

Improvements in the quality of teaching were seen throughout the school and praised by the inspectors. They commented that more teaching is now ‘good.’ This is being gauged by good systems.

There were many more positive observations made, including:

  • Improvements in the quality of marking and feedback on students’ work
  • Improvements in students’ reading skills and spoken English due to the considerable focus on literacy in the academy

One of the fastest improving schools in the country
Principal, Eric Jackson said,

“I am extremely proud of the achievements of the academy, its staff, and the students, and their commitment as we continue on our journey to make our best better. We must now be one of the fastest improving schools in the country and we will continue in our journey towards excellence.”

Beverley Perin, Chair of the Management Board and Director of Challenge and Intervention for AET, said,

“This has been a year of exceptional progress at Sandown Bay and I wholeheartedly welcome and endorse Ofsted’s praise for the academy’s leadership, staff and students.”

A ‘calm and respectful atmosphere’
The report notes that students feel there is a calm and respectful atmosphere in the academy. Students are nearly always willing to listen and work hard in classrooms. They commented that attendance, particularly for students in Year 11 targeted for intervention, is good, this is a reflection of how well these students feel supported by staff.

The Sixth Form ‘drives achievement securely, offers intellectual challenge and supports good levels of motivation and aspiration for higher education.’

‘Genuine ambition for students continues’
The inspectors noted ‘Genuine ambition for students continues’ – it is an ambition that has seen Sandown Bay Academy students secure 13 places at Russell Group universities to study medicine and veterinary courses if they achieve their predicted results. They found that leadership in the Sixth Form remains a strength and that the good range of courses on offer meet students’ needs well. They observed that teaching in sixth form lessons continues to be strong.

Sixth Form students are pushed to aim high
Gary Clarke, Head of Sixth Form said,

“I am pleased that the strength of the sixth form has been recognised once again. We had our best A Level results ever last summer with students going on to exciting and impressive destinations. Sixth Form students are pushed to aim high; Year 11 students see this and want to be part of it, I am delighted that we have had over 175 applicants for sixth form next academic year.”

To continue to improve at this fast pace, the academy has placed a key focus over the summer term on planning lessons which challenge and support all groups of students, on reducing exclusions and improving attendance.

Image: apdk under CC BY 2.0