Shane Moody and Mary Aubrey

Prestigious nursing Award for Isle of Wight Clinical Director of End of Life Care Clinical Director

The Isle of Wight NHS Trust is extremely proud of our Clinical Director / Consultant Nurse for End of Life Care services, Shane Moody, who has been presented with a prestigious Chief Nursing Officer Silver Award by Ruth May, Chief Nursing Officer for NHS England.

Shane was unaware that Ruth had secretly joined a team meeting he was participating in via Microsoft Teams until she turned her camera on to deliver him the good news in front of colleagues from the Trust.

Celebrating those who go above and beyond their everyday roles
A Chief Nursing Officer Silver award recognises major contributions to patients and the profession, for nurses and midwives. These awards recognise the enormous range of skills, expertise, and enduring compassion that modern nursing and midwifery represent.

They celebrate nurses and midwives who go above and beyond their everyday roles to provide excellent care, leadership and inspiration to their colleagues and patients.

High quality, compassionate care
Shane was nominated because of his drive and leadership to deliver high quality, compassionate care and for being an ambassador for the Trust’s vision and values to make a positive difference to our Island community.

Within 12 months of Shane leading the End of Life Care service, it had gone from a Care Quality Commission (CQC) rating of ‘inadequate’ to being recognised at the last inspection as being the most improved service with a rating of ‘Good’ across all five key lines of enquiries.

Great achievements
Shane has achieved so much within his NHS career, other examples of his outstanding leadership abilities and his drive to achieve include setting up the Critical Care Outreach Service and introducing Consultant Nurses into the organisation and Advanced Clinical Practitioners, supporting their development with strategic responsibilities.

Shane is also a coach, an anti-bullying advisor and freedom to speak up guardian with a passion to eradicate unprofessional behaviour.

May: Shane has been the pied piper in taking people with him
Surprising Shane with his very much deserved award, Ruth May, Chief Nursing Officer for NHS England said,

“It’s a great delight to be with you all. I’m here to say thank you to you all for the work that you have all been doing in the last 15 months, it has been a hugely challenging time for us in the NHS and in social care because we have been at the forefront of this pandemic. However, I am here to say particular thanks to Shane for the work he has done for the End of Life Care service.

“He has taken the Isle of Wight NHS Trust from an End of Life Care CQC rating of ‘Inadequate’ to ‘Good’ and now I’m sure he will lead it to a rating of ‘Outstanding’ but we are all here today to say thank you. Shane has been the pied piper in taking people with him, he embodies the NHS and lives and breathes improvement.

“A very big personal thank you from me to Shane as I present you with a Chief Nursing Officer Silver Award as a token of our appreciation.”

Aubrey: Extremely proud
Mary Aubrey (pictured above), Chief Nurse for the Isle of Wight NHS Trust said,

“We are extremely proud of the award that Shane has achieved, it is very well deserved after all the hard work he has undertaken individually and with the support of teams across the organisation and we know he is constantly striving to achieve outstanding practice throughout the service.”

Moody: I’m very humbled
Shane Moody, Clinical Director / Consultant Nurse for End of Life Care services said,

“This is a total surprise and I’m very proud to achieve such an award, I’m very humbled. I wouldn’t have been able to achieve this without all the people I have worked with over the last couple of years. 

“The End of Life Care team will still go forward to achieve that outstanding rating in palliative and end of life care within the Trust.”

News shared by Isle of Wight NHS Trust, in their own words. Ed