Pugh Challenges Opposition Councillors

This in from the Isle of Wight Conservative Group. Ed

The Conservatives have urged all political groups at County Hall to develop balanced budget proposals in advance of the February meeting of Full Council.

In a motion submitted to January’s Full Council meeting, the Conservatives have set out the financial position facing the Isle of Wight Council in light of the Coalition Government’s deficit reduction strategy.

The motion highlights that the difference between the likely level of funding to be received next year and the projected level of expenditure is anticipated to be £17.8m.

This figure takes into account the provisional Revenue Support Grant settlement announced in December. Recognising that the setting of a balanced budget is required by law, the motion then sets out a clear expectation of seeing balanced budget proposals being tabled by all political groups.

Opposition councillors should suggest alternatives
Speaking following the publication of the Full Council agenda, Conservative Group Leader Cllr David Pugh said: “Over recent weeks, all councillors have been speaking with Island residents about the likely implications of the budget proposals under consideration.

“During this process, a number of councillors have clearly stated an intention to vote against particular proposals and protect the current provision of services in different areas. What we have not yet heard from any of these councillors is how they would deliver a balanced budget, particularly if they oppose significant elements of the proposals currently up for debate.

“Whilst these councillors may offer the public a commitment to oppose service reductions, there is a clear expectation that they demonstrate how a balanced budget would be otherwise achieved. That has to be the duty of all IW Councillors if they aspire to the responsibility of leadership.

“These councillors need to put their cards on the table and show how £17.8m of savings can be achieved in the next financial year. That is their challenge and we look forward to seeing their proposals. In the meantime, these councillors may wish to refrain from making endless commitments to oppose proposals, until such time as they can demonstrate a clear and credible alternative.

“Individual Conservative councillors will continue to listen carefully to views of local residents before making their mind up on any proposals. At the end of the consultation processes, final budget proposals will be published for consideration at Full Council in February. In the meantime, individual ward councillors will continue to work constructively with local communities and town / parish councils to develop ideas for alternative service provision – in recognition of the budget challenges that are being faced.”

The motion for Full Council can be found online (PDF)

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