Pumpkin Festival a huge success

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Thanks to Liz for this report with photo gallery from Saturday’s event. Ed

On Saturday 27th October, The St. Lawrence Community Association held its fourth successful Pumpkin Festival.

A total of 20 exhibits included pumpkins of all shapes and sizes, au naturel, carved or decorated. There were also culinary pumpkin creations in sweet, savoury and preserve categories. All were judged by Mr John Woodford.

Praise for soup
The Pumpkin soup on sale in the kitchen attracted a good number of customers and an equal number of compliments such as “Extremely tasty”, “Best ever I’ve tasted”, and “Can I have the recipe?”

After the soup, visitors could choose from a sumptuous array of home-made cakes one of which drew gasps of amazement both for its outward coating of dozens of Maltezers and then for its intensely chocolate and moist interior. A definite winner with chocoholics.

Games kept us all entertained
A comprehensive collection of games including the Human Fruit Machine, High or Lower, Double Decker, Roll a Penny, Catch the Rat, Maggot Dip, Buried Treasure and Ronnie’s Rib provided opportunities for skill, speed, and imagination.

At the end of a delightful, laughter-filled afternoon, two teams were organised for the hilarious competition of ‘Make a Mummy’ after which all visitors and helpers joined hands to create a continuous ‘Ghosty-wave’. It was truly an afternoon of ‘fun and games’ enjoyed by all ages.

And the winners are ….
Certificates were awarded to Junior Pumpkin entries as follows: – Funniest/weirdest to Reuben Hayter (7), Most artistic to Jessica Welch (6).

Certificates for Adult Pumpkin entries were awarded as follows:- biggest pumpkin to Sam Twining; funniest/weirdest pumpkin to Ken Wilkinson; best savoury to Ann Dedman; best cake to Jeanne Minx and most artistic to Dee Palmer.

Thanks for support
We had a generous supply of raffle prizes which included an exquisite glass pumpkin made and donated by Isle of Wight Glass. The lucky winner of this lovely prize was Valerie Conroy.

Thank you to everyone who came and supported us and of course a Great big ‘Thank you’ to everyone who helped to prepare and make this event such a success on the day.

Anyone wishing to purchase a Pumpkin Recipe Book (containing 15 different recipes) for £1 – please contact Liz Fox on 855908

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