ryde academy gcse results

Ryde Academy: Record-breaking GCSE year

Nat shares GCSE results news on behalf of Ryde Academy. Ed

Another record-breaking year for Ryde Academy and we are over the moon with our results and exceptionally proud of our students, who have made really good progress throughout their time here.

An improvement of 10% in the 5+ (old B grade) for English and maths to 40%

72% of students achieved 4+ (old C grade) in English and 61% in Maths. 57% of students got 4+ in English and Maths.

70% of subjects have improved from last year.

The average grade has improved by a fifth of a grade, meaning students have for the third year running made better progress.

We would like to wish all our students all the best for the future and encourage them to continue to #ShineBright’.