Save The Bees – Ban The Pesticides Say Avaaz

Online campaigners, Avaaz have launched an emergency petition in the hope of saving bees.

Bee collecting pollen:They say that pesticides are killing bees and threatening our food supply and the issue is now coming to the boil as major new studies, by scientists from the Harvard School of Public Health, have confirmed the scale of this problem.

In North America alone, some bee species are already extinct and some US species are at just 4% of their previous numbers.

Shareholders to vote at AGM
Avaaz say that Bayer, the biggest chemical producer and largest producer of neonicotinoids (the chemical blamed for the decline in the bee population), has lobbied hard to keep them on the market.

However, shareholders at Bayer today, could vote to stop their toxic production and Avaaz are calling on members of the public to sign their emergency petition which they’ll present to shareholders.

If you’d like to help make a difference, sign the emergency petition.

Image: Rich In NM under CC BY 2.0