Science brought to life as Royal Institution visit Isle of Wight school

Nat shares this latest news from Ryde Academy. Ed

On Wednesday 13th February students at Ryde Academy were given the chance to see science in action when the Royal Institution brought their ‘Bringing Science to Life’ show to the school.

The shows give students, teachers and families a chance to see their specially trained presenters in action, delivering science shows inspired by the Christmas Lectures shown on the BBC.

Tom Parsons age 12 with Dan the presenter in the middle and one of our Science teachers, James Webster on the left at the after school performance

During the day Year 7 and Year 8 learnt about food and digestion through practical and explosive (literally!) demonstrations. Dan, the presenter, set fire to food to explain energy and used a ‘digestion suit’ to show the journey food takes through our body.

Doria Vaughan age 12 also at the after school show

In the afternoon the show was opened up to the community and lots of parents and students came along. One of the attendees, Heather Grimes said ‘We really enjoyed the show. It really brought science to life and made it as exciting as it should be’.

Allen: Fantastic engagement
Mrs Sarah Allen from the Science Department said,

“It was fantastic seeing teachers, parents and students enjoy and engage with Science.

“We will definitely be having them back again next year.”

Students said:

I thought that the food explosion was amazing, a varied range of experiments and activities and it just made science 100% better.

My favourite bit of the show was when we had to pull Mr White’s small intestines out of the shirt!

I really wanted to learn more. It was really cool and I would watch it again

My favourite part was when he blew flour out of the tube and set it on fire!

Dan: We’ll be back
Dan, the presenter from the Royal Institution said:

“I had a great time at Ryde Academy, the staff were helpful and almost as enthusiastic as the pupils were for our science demonstrations. This was the first time we’ve been to the Isle of Wight, and hopefully we’ll be back!”