Show Your Support For ‘A Wight Carry On’ Challenge

Thanks to Damon Corr for sharing news of this fantastic fundraising challenge that firefighters are taking part in. He tells us more, in his own words. Ed

route of challengeFor the past eight months we have been planning and training for our charity challenge for 2011 known as ‘A Wight Carry On’.

Our aim is to raise sufficient funds to enable St Mary’s Hospital, to purchase an item of heart disease early detection and diagnosis.

Our motivation is rooted in the sad and sudden loss of our friend and colleague Paul Fletcher who at 39 suffered a fatal heart attack at an emergency incident in August 2009, leaving his wife and two young children.

What does ‘A Wight Carry On’ involve?
‘A Wight Carry On’ involves fire-fighters from Ryde hauling a 13.5 metre fire service ladder section 67 miles all round the Island, touching base at all the Island’s fire stations along the way.

route of challenge

The event begins at 10am on Friday 19th August from Ryde’s Western Gardens, the route being clockwise around the Island, continuing through the night, with the intention of being back at Ryde Canoe Lake by tea-time on Saturday 20th, in time to lead the Ryde Carnival Main Procession before finally finishing the event at the end of the carnival on Ryde Esplanade on Saturday night.

Join others in showing your support
We have received tremendous support from our own fire service, local business, organisations and individuals in this process and found, once again, this little Island to be a community that cares a great deal.

You can donate online by visiting

Find out more about the challenge and the story behind it by visiting the Ryde Firestation Website or the dedicated Facebook page.