Spielberg Yacht, Seven Seas, in the Netherlands by Superyacht.com

Steven Spielberg’s $250m super yacht, Seven Seas, spotted off the Isle of Wight

The new $250 million super yacht, Seven Seas, owned by pioneer of the modern blockbuster, Steven Spielberg, was spotted passing the Isle of Wight today (Monday).

It’s a whopper
The vessel is huge! It’s more than 100m in length and can accommodate 14 guests in seven cabins, as well as 30 staff in 15 cabins.

It boasts a large pool, a spa pool, a helicopter landing pad and weighs a massive 4,444 tons.

On route from the Netherlands
It was built last year in the Netherlands by Oceanco, a luxury yacht builder, setting off on its journey from Rotterdam yesterday (Sunday). At time of publishing it was just off the Back of the Wight.

Sadly the superyacht was too far away for a decent photo from the shore in Ventnor, but links below to various Websites give you a flavour of what it looks like and our thanks to Superyachts.com for use of their shot.

Seeing it in dry dock alongside vehicles and people really gives you perspective of just how large it is.

Links for more info
If you want to learn more about this mega-yacht, check out the links below.

Image: © Superyachts.com