Student Tuition Fees and EMA Protest This Friday

A demonstration has been organised by those concerned at the increase in university tuition fees and abolition of Educational Maintenance Allowance (EMA).

Island Student Demo This Friday Island MP, Andrew Turner voted on the side of the government last week and we understand that the demonstration has been organised to take place outside his office.

Organisers have stressed that they wish the demo to be peaceful, that it will be stewarded and no violence will be tolerated.

It’s not just students who are being encouraged to join the demo, parents, grandparents, ex-students and anyone who has been lucky enough to receive a free university education are welcome to take part.

Sign the petition
A petition has also been created which can be printed out from VB (PDF).

Organisers are suggesting that those concerned about the changes gather as many signatures as possible and take the sheets along with them on Friday when they can be delivered to Andrew Turner’s office.

Facebook event
A Facebook event has also been created, which currently confirms 117 people attending the demo which takes place at 4pm on Friday (17th).

It states,

We call on our MP to urgently reconsider his support for the recent increase in tuition fees. We also call upon him to re-open the national debate in funding for higher education and we call upon him to publicly oppose and campaign against the abolition of EMA

Image: Richard ‘TenSpeed’ Heaven under CC BY 2.0