The Arts
The Isle of Wight has a rich history of incredible creative talent. Home to famous poets, writers and photographers in the Victorian age, the talent is still strong today.
From artists and photographers to poets, theatre groups, live music and more, there is always something cultural to report on or feature. If we’ve written about it, this is where you’ll find it.
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Rachel reviews The Black Cat and Top Hat show held at The Tap in Sandown between Christmas and New Year. Hosted by Nick Painless and featuring Mr Strange and Ravenna Grimm.
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Tonight's screening is fully booked, so please don't turn up unless you have reserved your place.
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If you’re a budding photographer and would like to meet like-minded people to share ideas, experiences and knowledge, then don’t...
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Take it with a pinch of salt, it's just a bit of fun from guest writer, Pappa Clip
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Make some spare cash out of your unwanted clothes or help raise funds for St Catherine's Church Garden Fund
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Leila was quick off the mark to guess the location of the last image, so here’s the next. You might...
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If you're hankering after some Isle of Wight tunes, head to Spotify for the ultimate playlist of Isle of Wight independent music.
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Don't miss out on tickets for Saturday's event to see 'the thinking man's Ashton Kutcher' perform at Quay Arts. Should be a great night of entertainment.
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This is the first release through new Isle of Wight record label, Wight Vinyl, ahead of other releases throughout the next year. Watch the music video now
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Sticking to the photography theme from last week, I thought some of you might be interested in a posting that...