Charity Fashion Show For St Catherine’s Church

Rita’s Boutique in Pier Street, Ventnor are planning a fundraising event at St Catherine’s Church later in the month.

They’ll be presenting their fashion autumn collection, incorporating ‘Bella Donna’ Ball Gowns/Evening Wear and the second half of the evening will be a sale of nearly new ladies clothes, aiming to raise cash for the church’s Garden Fund.

Items are needed for the nearly new sale, so if you have anything suitable (outfits/hats/handbags/jewellery), please pop them into Rita’s Boutique between 10am and 4pm (except Mondays).

Items will be sold on a 50/50 basis, so you could make some spare cash out of you unwanted clothes (or you could choose to donate the cash to the church funds).

The show and sale take place on Friday 23rd September 2011 at St. Catherine’s Church, Ventnor from 7pm.

For Collections please call 855 515.

Image: throwherinthewater under CC BY 2.0