sausage dog with ear raised

The Isle of Wight’s most dog-friendly beaches, pubs, cafes and more

With 2021 set to be the year of the ‘staycation’, there couldn’t be a better time to explore the Isle of Wight with our dogs.

It can be difficult to find places to visit and eat that allow dogs, let alone welcome them as much as their human companions! Fortunately, dog-friendly holiday provider Canine Cottages has crunched the TripAdvisor data to find the most dog-friendly places to go on the Isle of Wight.

Based on TripAdvisor reviews
Based on the percentage of reviews on TripAdvisor suggesting a place was dog-friendly, they found the most dog-friendly beaches, places to visit, pubs and cafes across the county, which can also be found in this handy interactive map.

Finding a day out suitable for our hounds can often be a challenge. Luckily, TripAdvisor users have come to the rescue and suggested that the most dog-friendly attractions on the Isle of Wight are:

  1. Yaverland Beach, Sandown
  2. Appley Beach, Ryde
  3. The Isle of Wight Donkey Sanctuary, Ventnor
  4. Ventnor Botanic Garden, Ventnor
  5. The Garlic Farm, Sandown
  6. Isle of Wight Steam Railway, Wootton
  7. The Needles Battery, Totland Bay
  8. The Needles, Alum Bay

Offering a real mix of attractions, it’s clear to see reviewers agree there are great places to go on the Isle of Wight with your dog, whatever your interests are.

Top dog-friendly places to eat
Feeling peckish? Canine Cottages have rounded up the top dog-friendly places to eat across the Isle of Wight too. 

Below is the full top five:

  1. Off the Rails, Yarmouth
  2. The Fighting Cocks, Godshill
  3. The Wight Mouse Inn, Chale
  4. The Lifeboat, East Cowes
  5. Pointer Inn, Sandown

Dog-Friendly Index
Canine Cottages have also released the Dog-Friendly Index, a handy tool where you’ll find these and even more dog-friendly places as recommended by TripAdvisor reviewers. 

Covering the entirety of the UK, and featuring helpful filters for finding your perfect kind of day out or place to visit, the Dog-Friendly Index is a must-have tool for dog owners. Each place that has been featured has also been given a useful paw rating out of five, with only places rated three paws or higher featuring in the tool.

Keary: Highlighting some hidden gems
Shannon Keary, Digital PR Manager at Canine Cottages, said,

“With so many more people looking to explore what’s on their own doorstep with their dogs this summer, it’s fantastic to see the sheer number and diversity of places that welcome dogs across the country; hopefully this can only continue to grow. 

We hope that our Dog-Friendly Index tool helps to highlight the top spots for dog owners to visit near them, as well as highlight some hidden gems they may not have been aware of.”

See more on the Canine Cottages Website.

News shared by Hannah on behalf of Canine Cottages. Ed

Image: Erda Estremera under CC BY 2.0