Beacon in the countryside with birds on it

Queen’s Platinum Jubilee: Two Beacons to be lit by Totland Parish Council

As initiated by Cllr Chris Jarman JP and with the support of Totland Parish Council, we have announced plans to light two Beacons within the said Parish in celebration of The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee on the evening of Thursday, 2nd June, 2022.

The Beacons are two of thousands being lit in the UK and the Commonwealth, and form part of the official programme announced by Buckingham Palace for the Jubilee Weekend.

The Beacons will be lit at West Highdown and at The Needles, and they will be some of over 2,022 lit by charities, communities and faith groups all over the UK.

Lighting installation with The Queen’s Green Canopy ‘Tree of Trees’
In addition, Beacons will be lit in all 54 Commonwealth capitals and the Principal Beacon lighting will take place in a special ceremony at Buckingham Palace on Thursday evening. This will take the form of a lighting installation with The Queen’s Green Canopy ’Tree of Trees’ sculpture and projections onto the front of Buckingham Palace.

This innovative new way of taking part in the beacon lighting will reflect the Royal Family’s long history championing environmental causes.

Peek: The Queen has lit up our lives for 70 years
Bruno Peek LVO OBE OPR, Pageantmaster of The Queen’s Jubilee Platinum Beacons said,

“Building on a long tradition of lighting beacons to mark significant royal celebrations, thousands of beacons will be lit across the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth. They will enable local communities to join together to pay tribute to Her Majesty as part of the official programme of events.

“For the first time, town criers, pipers, buglets and choirs from the UK and the Commonwealth will come together to join in the celebrations in their own individual and special way. It is wonderful to see the range of support for beacon lighting, which will highlight both the diversity and unity of the nation and the Commonwealth.

“The Queen has lit up our lives for 70 years through her dedicated service and commitment. We would like to light up the nation and the Commonwealth in her honour.”

Jarman: All proud to be part of this momentous celebration
Ward Councillor for Totland and Colwell, Chris Jarman JP said,

“The residents of Totland and Colwell are proud to be part of this momentous celebration. We are enormously grateful to the students of Isle of Wight College that have designed and fabricated our Jubilee Beacons, to DMR Engineering for their substantial donation of the materials, to our local Scouts and young people participating in the preparations and for all those that have contributed wood and support.

“It is only appropriate that this unique milestone in history is marked with beacons and music and we are pleased that our events along Tennyson Down will resound to the echoing melodies of our own local bagpiper Laura McEwan.

“We are honoured to be part of this special event for Her Majesty, The Queen’s 70th year as our Monarch and Head of the Commonwealth on her Platinum Jubilee.”

Timeline for Beacons lightings

  • At 14:00UK hundreds of town criers and 50 Pearly Kings and Queens will announce a specially-written Proclamation heralding the lighting of the beacons later that day.
  • At 21:35UK across the UK and Commonwealth, traditional and Northumbrian pipers and pipe bands will play Diu Regnare, a unique tune specially written for the occasion by Piper Major, Stuart Liddell, the world’s leading piper.
  • At 21:40UK buglers linked to local beacon lightings across the UK and the capital cities of the Commonwealth will officially announce the lighting of the beacons with a specially written bugle call, entitled Majesty.
  • At 21:45:00 (9.45.00pm) exactly Isle of Wight time, and to coincide with the lighting of the beacons, community choirs across all nations will sing Song for the Commonwealth, which has been written and composed by Lucy Keily, from Australia and Vincent Atueyi Chinemelu from Nigeria.

New shared by Helen on behalf of Totland Parish Council. Ed

Image: For illustrative purposes only by Tyler Adam under CC BY 2.0