Undercliff Drive Update: Steve Matthews Gets The Chop

Just had this press release in from the council. Another one bites the dust eh!

On Friday (Oct 19), the Investigatory and Disciplinary Sub-Committee took the decision to dismiss Steve Matthews the council’s head of engineering services.

The hearing was held in the absence of Mr Matthews, who has the right to appeal the decision. The hearing had reconvened from the previous Friday when Mr Matthews also failed to attend.

Members took their decision on the grounds that Mr Matthews had been responsible, at the very least in a supervisory capacity, when contracts were illegally let to High-Point Rendel in 2001 and 2004. They found his performance and conduct fell below that which the IW Council and Island residents should rightly expect.

Last week, purchasing manager John Spencer attended a disciplinary hearing at which allegations in respect of his role in the unlawful procurement of Undercliff Drive work were largely substantiated.

While procurement rules are there to be followed and every officer has a duty to do so, it was noted that Mr Spencer was the corporate purchasing manager, and was not directly responsible for the procurement of HPR or other contractors for the Undercliff Drive.

Consequently, he was given a final written warning and will be returning to work shortly.

The Investigatory and Disciplinary Panel will meet on October 29 to consider the case of John Lawson, Director of Policy, Performance & Partnerships and Deputy Chief Executive. Hearings in respect of two other officers will also be held in the coming weeks.

The final report on Undercliff is due to go before the Investigatory and Disciplinary Committee on November 29.