See within for the number of Isle of Wight residents seeking out of work benefits or Universal Credit in the last month, broken down between sex and age groups
Island Roads say they've been working with the conservation officer, Ventnor Town Council and local residents to ensure the new wall and road meets the needs of the Ventnor community in the future
One in eight children and young people aged five to 19 have a diagnosable mental health problem, with half of all problems emerging before the age of 14
This nine-year-old first-time marmalade maker managed to fight off over 3,000 entrants from 30 countries with her Seville Orange and Orange Blossom Marmalade to win double gold
Someone holds the secret of the mysterious and tragic disappearance of Isle of Wight teenager Damien Nettles. This new podcast encourages them to come forward and share what they know
All votes should be equal. Learn how people with sight issues exercise their democratic right to vote. In short, it’s hard - so much so a judge rules it a ‘parody of the electoral process’