VentnorBlog Bestival Tickets Competition

We promised you a competition this summer and the time has finally come.

Bestival 2007 - Win TicketsBestival HQ have kindly donated some great prizes for you to win, including some of the soon-to-be-released A-Z of Bestival CDs, but more on those later.

The big kahuna of a prize is a pair of much sought after Bestival camping tickets. Yes folks, for those of you who didn’t get a ticket before they were sold out and have been having trouble getting hold of one, now’s your chance to win one for yourself and your best mate, or girl/boyfriend or even your Grandma. Whoever you want to cheer up, they can join you at the best festival of the year which takes place at Robin Hill 7th-9th September.

So what do you need to do to get your mitts on these pieces of gold dust you ask?

Well, this ain’t some spot the difference competition. We’re talking a pair of Bestival tickets here, worth over £200, so we expect you to work for it. And work hard.

We feel that everyone has creativity in them, so the aim of the competition is to get your creative juices flowing and come up with a new identity for VentnorBlog.

What we mean here, is the VB banner that sits across the top of the page. Many of you have enjoyed the ever-changing selection of letters, but we feel that maybe it’s time for something new and want to give you, our dear readers, the opportunity to have an input.

We’ll be judging the best entries and announcing the winner on Wednesday 5th September, so you need to get your thinking caps on now and start knocking some ideas around. Closing date for applications is 5pm Monday 3rd September.

Terms and conditions
Dimensions: 790-pixels x 72 pixels
No cash equivalent
Judges decision is final
Deliver by email to [email protected] in jpeg format
Include your full name, address, email address and telephone contact
It doesn’t have to be done on a computer. Paper entries are equally fine and details of a drop off address to come soon.

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