The latest news from Lesley Brown – aka the Ventnor Flower Fairy – in her quest to smarten up the area by the BT building is sounding very positive.
You might remember that Lesley did an amazing job in the flower beds outside the Winter Gardens and had her sights set on doing something special by the BT building, which is next to the Ventnor Giant as you approach the town from the East.
Railings to be painted
Well, a few emails later and Lesley’s had very positive response from BT.
They’ve agreed to meet to discuss what she will be allowed to do in area surrounding the building. But not only that, they’re also getting quotes for the railings to be painted.
Since Lesley has been in touch with them, they’ve also already chopped back the massively overgrown self-seeded trees from the corner area next to the former brewery.
Meanwhile Lesley herself has been down and cleared all the rubbish, weeded and even cleaned the windows. It’s already looking loads better.
Tip of the hat
Her partner, Graham Middleton, also deserves a tip of the hat. We bumped into him doing some work to the beds in the Central car park last week as part of his involvement with the Ventnor Enhancement Fund.
Well done Graham and all those working hard to make our town look so great.
Follow the progress
If you want to stay in touch with what Lesley has been up to, you can follow updates on the public Ventnor Flower Fairy Facebook Group.
Lesley’s passion for pollinators and her enthusiastic community spirit are an inspiration to us all.