Vestas Sit-in: Day 2 Phone Call To The Inside (podcast)

Vestas Sit-in: Day 2 Phone Call To The Inside (podcast)We thought we’d go straight to the horses mouth again today, after we broke the story of the Vestas sit-in on Monday night, with a call to those inside.

Mike told us about how the mass walk up of people got food into those taking part in the Vestas sit-in.

  • Thanks to the IW Fire brigade for their support.
  • Encouraging people to go to the rally at 6pm at Vestas tonight, “To show Vestas management that we’re not alone.”
  • What happened with Vestas management last night and how at 10pm last night they were told that they had an hour to get out. If they were to leave them, they would get prosecuted and they would still get their redundancy pay
  • How they think that it’s more than likely that those inside will have “lost everything and probably get arrested.
  • “We’ve accepted the fact that we’ve lost everything.” “We’re not fighting for us any more, we’re fighting for everyone else.”
  • Vestas have told them, “the longer you leave it, the worse it will be.”
  • How tired people are; difficulties sleeping; sleeping in shifts.
  • Pleased that support is strong and growing.
  • Internet access to them has how been cut off.
  • Ladders have been moved within the factory to a window near to a corridor.
  • They’re aware of the injunction Vestas is trying to take out.
  • It’s possible that Vestas don’t know the names of the people in there – making it hard for the injunction to be served.

Take a listen for yourself (excuse the quality of the call)

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