MyNamesChai, Callux and Sazclose at the Needles

Why @MyNamesChai and @Sazclose’s YouTube videos are important to the Isle of Wight

“Like, those YouTubers, they’ve like, literally posted their vlogs of the Island.”

If you have no idea what that collection of words mean, it’s highly probable you’re over 20 and possible you aren’t the audience for the two videos below.

If you’re struggling, let OnTheWight quickly help you with a translation – YouTubers are people who post videos they’ve made themselves to YouTube for others to watch. A vlog is a video version of a blog piece, video log.

Fun on the Island
Now that’s out of the way, on to the meat – a few weekends ago three YouTubers came to the Isle of Wight to have some fun running around doing some of the things the Island has to offer.

What makes videos like these important for the Island is that their audience – 13-20 year olds – don’t really watch TV and they don’t read that much online. Their media is Snapchat, Instagram, a bit (but reducing) of Twitter and Facebook, a lot of instant messaging and tons of YouTube videos.

By these three having come to the Isle of Wight and had such a great time, their fans – and collectively they have over 700,000 subscribers (that’s just on YouTube) – will realise they can come over here and have just as good a time. Cue teenagers asking their parents if they can come to the Isle of Wight.

For the reach, it’s one of the best things that Visit Isle of Wight has been involved with.

A packed schedule
Watching the videos below, it’s clear they loved it.

Sarah Close knew she would, as she’s from the Island (now living in London), but the other two, Chai and Callum were new to the joys of here.

They packed a lot in including: Appley, Freshwater Bay; a RIB out to The Needles; Colwell Bay; the meetup in Sandown; Dodgems; Zorbing in Yaverland and a bit of Paddle boarding.

The highest praise
At the end of @MyNamesChai’s video, clearly exhausted from all of the fun they’ve had, Chai says,

“The Isle of Wight is literally one of the best places I’ve been to. I absolutely loved it.”

High praise indeed.

Sarah’s video

MyNamesChai’s vid

Image: Screen grab from mynameschai‘s video.