holly's haiku pile

Your chance to see Holly Maslen’s 365 Haiku Project in person

Here at OnTheWight, we’ve long been impressed with the prolific output of Isle of Wight artist, Holly Maslen.

Since first seeing her work in the old days of Shopping Trolley, to the more recent Undecided Art Collective exhibitions, her work is always interesting and thought-provoking.

Amongst all of Holly’s art projects this year, she has managed to find time to write and illustrate a Haiku (what’s that?) every day of 2015.

Just some of the completed haikus
Click on image to see larger version

Supporting the Wildlife Trust
At the start of the project Holly said,

“I had already decided earlier in 2014 that I wanted to start directing my art practice towards wildlife and nature, somehow finding a way to continue earning a living but also be able to raise money for various charities.”

Each Haiku that Holly creates can be bought for just £10, of which £2 from each sale will be donated to the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust.

Exhibition of Haikus
Holly has managed to secure exhibition space at Ventnor Exchange over the second weekend in January to show her work.

There’s a launch event on Friday 8th from 6pm and the exhibition runs on Saturday between 10am-11pm and Sunday 10am-4pm.

What’s a Haiku?
“Haiku” is a traditional form of Japanese poetry. Haiku poems consist of three lines.

The first and last lines of a Haiku have five syllables and the middle line has seven syllables.

The lines rarely rhyme.

Find out more about Holly’s work by visiting her Website.