Man using laptop with a smile on his face
Image: jud mackrill under CC BY 2.0

Your thoughts on the revamped News OnTheWight Website? There’s a form for that

Last updated:

We’d love to hear your feedback about the new look News OnTheWight.

For technical reasons (too dull to go into) we had to make a change, so we thought we’d embrace it and take the opportunity to try and improve the site. 

We’ve had a lot of positive feedback via email and messaging, but also some that aren’t so happy – understandable, as it’s quite different from the last layout that’d been the same for so long.

We hope those readers find it easier to use as time goes by.

If you could take a minute to let us know your thoughts, we’d love to hear them.

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Image: jud mackrill under CC BY 2.0