Road markings:

100km of Island roads to be remarked this month

See below the latest release in from Island Roads, in their own words. Ed

The most extensive programme of highway remarking ever undertaken on the Isle of Wight is now underway.

Reflective paint will be used to mark white lines on over 100km on the Island’s main roads between now and the end of October by Island Roads as part of the Highways PFI.

Many of the markings are being laid by a specialist vehicle not widely used on the Island before. The vehicle deploys the markings while travelling at a quick walking pace which means it is generally unnecessary to close the roads and limits traffic queues behind the vehicle.

Night work
To further minimise delays on the network, the majority of work will be completed between 20:00 hours and 04:00 hours.

The paint itself dries on impact with the road surface and contains glass bead technology which has greater reflectivity than traditional white lines, therefore offering an improved safety benefit.

Hatching by hand
Once the vehicle has completed the edge and centre line markings, a team will mark the remaining lines, including give way lines and hatch markings, by hand.

The marking programme is underway to coincide with the autumn nights continuing to draw in.

Paul Herbert, Island Roads Service Director, said:

“Under the road markings programme, all the busiest roads will be treated in the coming weeks, followed by an urban refresh when the weather improves early next year. It is not practicable to install lines once the winter service starts due to salt residue on the roads.

“The programme is further evidence that the seven-year programme to greatly improve the Island’s highways is now well underway.”

Image: a_of_doom under CC BY 2.0