The majority of services provided by Isle of Wight NHS Trust are commissioned and funded by Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board, NHS England and Isle of Wight Council.
Below are articles mentioning the Isle of Wight NHS Trust.
The Isle of Wight NHS Trust is the first NHS Trust in England to sign up to the Employee Domestic Abuse Covenant (EDAC) to support and empower survivors of domestic abuse to enter or re-enter the workplace
The Isle of Wight Labour Party Chair says "Islanders need to listen to the campaigners of ‘IoW Save Our NHS’, and make their voices heard, before their NHS is stripped away".
Christine says the mood among the packed audience was one of disbelief, dismay, shock, anger and sadness after the screening and talk about the abolition of the NHS.
Isle of Wight residents queued up on Saturday to sign the Labour Party petition against underfunding and understaffing of the NHS by the Conservative Government.
The official C19 count only includes hospital cases (38 on IW). There have been no official figures for those with C19 at home. This NHS 111 data (which started 18 March), gives a glimpse, but the figures aren’t as obvious as they might first appear.