Background to Island’s “Inadequate” Serious Case Review Of Infant Death

Background to Island's Inadequate Serious Case Review Of Infant DeathSadly the death of a 30 day old baby occurred on the Island back in August 2007.

When something like this happens, the Isle of Wight Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) carries out a Serious Case Review to, among other things, assess how the ‘agencies’ worked together and to identify if lessons can be learned.

Reports were requested from nine agencies known to have had professional involvement with the case.

The Island’s Serious Case review was submitted in June 2008.

At the start of the year, 30 January 2009, Ofsted who oversee this process, judged the Serious Case Review as “Inadequate.”

They citied concerns with the independence of the overview report author and the quality of some of the reports submitted by agencies (involved with the original case) were judged as inadequate.

A new report
Following this the Island’s LSCB commissioned the services of an independent overview author and of an independent chair and went over the process again.

Following this a list of 51 recommendations was produced (PDF).

An interview with Deborah Gardiner on the subject follows shortly.

Image: Orin Optiglot

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