Cafe Scientifique Welcomes Professor Arnold Taylor

Cafe Scientifique returns to the Isle of Wight next Monday.

Due to the second Monday being Valentine’s Day, this month the meeting is a week earlier.

Professor Arnold Taylor, who lives on the Island has very kindly offered to give us a talk on “How forecastable is the natural world?” which will be about the effect of global weather patterns on the natural world.

This talk will be based on his forthcoming book ‘The Dance of Air and Sea: How Oceans, Weather and Life Link Together’ which will be published by Oxford University Press on 10 February.

Professor Taylor is a Fellow of the Plymouth Marine Laboratory.

Cafe Scientifique evenings are free, but it is customary to ask participants at the end of the evening for a donation towards the cost of the speaker’s meal and/or travel expenses.

We would like to try and build up a small fund so we can cover all travel expenses for speakers who come from the other Island.

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