angry bird bully

Candidate claims ‘bullied and victimised’ by Green leaders. They deny

Prospective parliamentary candidates say the demands on them by Isle of Wight Green Party members to form a ‘Progressive Alliance’ have continued with ‘increasing aggression and desperation’, with one saying they ‘felt bullied and victimised’.

The leader of the Isle of Wight Green Party has responded with a denial.

Felt “bullied and victimised”
Independent candidate, Julie Jones Evans, told OnTheWight today that an exchange (seen by OnTheWight) between herself and Vix Lowthion (IW Green Party candidate), as well as Daniel James (Chair of the IW Green Party) left her feeling “bullied and victimised”.

The exchange (via Messenger) took place just one day after Leader of the Isle of Wight Green Party, Vix Lowthion, wrote to all progressive party leaders calling for unity to defeat the Conservatives.

Jones-Evans: “It’s not about the Greens”
Julie explained,

“I was happy to listen, but felt there was a pincer movement during the exchange from Daniel and Vix.

“In fact I couldn’t look at messages again until the evening because it gave me such an uncomfortable feeling.”

She went on to say,

“This is not about the Greens, I have many friends who are Green, but it’s about two individuals, Vix and Daniel. I felt bullied and victimised.

“I really like Vix, but perhaps it’s the glittering prize that has changed her sense of perspective.”

IW Green Party: “Have not made any demand”
In response to the allegations, Vix told OnTheWight,

“Julie has been very supportive of the IW Green Party in the last year, coming to our events and putting forward policies at Council such as 20mph which we thoroughly support. We believed we were working well together, and it took us by surprise when she announced her candidacy to run against us. Questions were initially asked about why she chose to make that decision to run – as they are made to all candidates at hustings in election period – but no one has asked her to stand down.

“I’m really pleased that we have more female representation in the debates and I’m really looking forward to spending more time with her on the road to 8th June.”

She went on to say,

“IW Green Party have not made and will not make any demand of any Island party or candidate to stand down.

“It was Labour party members and supporters such as Billy Bragg who wrote in to The Guardian and mentioned IW Labour should reciprocate the gesture made by Greens standing down across England to avoid splitting the vote. This week it was Green Parties elsewhere (Exeter, Bristol NW ans Hampstead and Kilburn) who said that they will stand down in their cities if Labour stand down on the Isle of Wight. We knew nothing about these notions, but are very grateful to fellow Greens for their solidarity and support.

“I am unaware of any incidents of ‘aggression’ by Green Party members on the Island, and find it hard to correlate that with the usual accusations of tree hugging which we receive. Obviously if members have been threatening then we will deal with those accusations in the usual process.

“We look forward to what we promise will be the most exciting, dynamic and positive campaign fought on the island for many years. This is the most important election for generations and will determine the future of Britain for decades to come. It will be fought with passion, fairness and determination to see a Green MP on the Isle of Wight in June.”

Labour: “increasing aggression and desperation”
Island Labour say they have repeatedly made clear they will not stand down their candidate, adding, “the voters of the Isle of Wight are entitled to a choice of parties, and that choice should be a positive one based on the policies those parties offer”.

Labour candidate, Julian Critchley, said:

“I will be the Labour candidate in this election. Some 9,000 Islanders voted Labour in 2015, and similar numbers voted for Labour in previous general elections when the Green Party was losing its deposit or not even fielding a candidate. More than 4,000 turned out to vote for Labour candidates in the local elections only last week. All those people deserve the right to vote for whoever they choose.

“The Labour Party is the official Opposition and the only possible alternative government to the Tories. It would not just be wrong, but undemocratic, to deny the choice of voting Labour to the people of the Isle of Wight in the forthcoming General Election.

“The Green Party apparently believes that Isle of Wight voters should not have a choice on 8 June. I disagree. My view of democracy is that we put our policies to the electorate, and fight for every possible vote. I will be doing that over the coming weeks, and I hope our case will attract votes from people who have previously voted for all parties and for none.

“The Green Party needs to stop this nonsense now. I have been mandated by the local party to represent Labour in this election as the Parliamentary Candidate, and I consider it an honour and a privilege to do so. I will not be standing down.”

Green Chairman: “Will not be sinking to level of personal attacks”
Chairman of the Isle of Wight Green party, Daniel James, told OnTheWight,

“There has been a coordinated campaign to smear Vix, with at least three media organisations being supplied with the same allegations from multiple sources.

“We fully intend to run a positive campaign for the General Election and will not be sinking to the level of personal attacks.

“I’m not sure what threat we are supposed to be able to carry out. Julie is not a Green Party member and we have no authority over her.

“I said in a private Facebook message that Julie’s actions would make it difficult for us to work together in future. I’m not her employer or colleague, just a community volunteer and a new parish councillor.

“I have also written to Julie by email to make it clear that we are not happy about her using our party colours (which may be in breach of Electoral Commission rules) or using Green Party events to get publicity for her rival campaign.”

Attempt to “play politics with voters” opportunist
The Liberal Democrats response to the Green calls for parties to step down has been labelled “opportunist and wholly disrespectful to voter’s choice”.

The Island LibDems have had calls from Green Parties on the mainland to stand down even after responding they won’t.

Lib Dem candidate, Nick Belfitt, said,

“The IW Liberal Democrats have argued since the election has been called that they will offer a Liberal alternative to Islanders by standing a candidate. We argue that it is the interest of free choice that parties be encouraged to stand and voters should be open to choose the direction of the county with it being the party’s duty to seek out voters not force them into a corner.

“The party argues the Green Party’s attempt to ‘play politics with voters’ is opportunist and support a minimalistic approach to democracy.

“Isle of Wight Liberal Democrats argue they will fight both Greens, Tory and Labour, providing an Island alternative hoping to listen to majority of those who didn’t vote for a major party in the Local and previous election.”

15.55 – Comment from Daniel James added

Image: graficmedia under CC BY 2.0