Chair of Scrutiny Committee on dis-applied call-ins

As reported through OnTheWight over the last few weeks, there have now been three cases where the new Independent-led council have requested that call-ins are ‘dis-applied’ on decisions being made by the Cabinet.

Geoff Lumley:The three cases that have had call-ins dis-applied are:

A hangover from the previous administration
We asked Cllr Lumley he he felt about being asked to dis-apply the three call-ins. He told OnTheWight,

“There have been three to date that I have agreed to and they were all a hangover from the previous administration, got held up in the election period, and couldn’t be avoided if they were to progress.

“I am assured there will be no more and I would be very reluctant to agree more after the initial ‘honeymoon’ period!”

Members of the public are welcome to attend this Thursday’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee that takes place at County Hall from 6pm.

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