Unhappy teenager

Youth mental health services considered at today’s Children and Young People scrutiny panel

Members of the Children and Young People’s Scrutiny Panel will be meeting this afternoon at 5pm. OnTheWight will be reporting live – follow our Twitter stream to see regular updates (or follow us @OnTheWight).

They will be considering a review undertaken by Healthwatch Isle of Wight and the associated recommendations in relation to Children and adolescent mental health services.

The panel will be given an overview of recent developments in education provision and the changing role of the Council by the Director of Children’s Services as well as hearing about key issues in relation to child protection, safeguarding and children in care

Members will also consider relevant information contained within the quarter 1 performance management and finance report submitted to Cabinet earlier in the month.

As usual, they’ll also review the Forward Plan and consider any items that may need to be added to the Panel’s work plan and receive questions from other members.

Image: conovosisters under CC BY 2.0