Christmas lights for SANDS

Christmas Lights in Wroxall raise hundreds for stillbirth charity

Congratulations to Marie Butler and her husband Chris, who this year put on a spectacular Christmas display in Wroxall to raise money for charity.

As well as putting up the light show, which Chris had worked so hard on, he also dressed up as Santa and handed out bags of treats to excited children before Christmas.

A charity close to their hearts
Marie had chosen the Isle of Wight SANDS group, the leading stillbirth and neonatal death charity in the UK, to receive the money and although the fundraising target was just £100, they managed to raise a whopping £284.90.

SANDS was selected as the chosen charity to benefit from the donations, Marie says, because the help they offered a close family member when they lost their baby last November “was amazing”.

Bigger and better this year
Marie has asked News OnTheWight us to pass on their huge thanks for the support and donations they received.

Marie said,

“I know it’s not much compared to other displays, but the target was £100 and he smashed that.

“He’s hoping this year will be bigger and better with a Santa’s grotto if a shed can be donated.”

If you happen to have a shed that might double up as a grotto and want to donate it to the cause, get in touch and we’ll pass on your details.