Councillor Coles: A New Breed For Wootton

Councillor Coles: A New Breed For WoottonTown Councillors come in all shapes and sizes with a diverse range of backgrounds. The stereotype in the past has been that of retired old codgers, out of touch with the community.

However, it seems that there’s a new breed of councillors stepping forward and it’s none more evident than in Wootton.

Councillor Adrian Coles looks like a town councillor on a mission. Forget a letter in the local newsletter, he’s embraced video and gone out and made a film about his plans, using Internet technology to distribute it – a man after our own hearts.

He’s challenging local council convention and we wish him power to his elbow, hoping that his enthusiasm for change is met with acceptance by his fellow councillors – and not as in other cases that we’ve heard about, he gets ground down to accepting the status quo