flytipping in a field

Crackdown on Isle of Wight fly tipping, says Cabinet member

Litter problems in tourist areas are set to be tackled this summer, as the Island braces itself ahead of a busy season.

New cabinet member for environment, heritage and waste management, Cllr Jonathan Bacon said he has asked council officers to come up with a programme and actions to deal with litter.

Bacon: Very conscious litter will be an issue
As people head to the beach for a fun day out, it is a common occurrence to see rubbish left behind on the sand as they head home to or overflowing bins along seafronts.

Speaking at the first cabinet meeting since the elections, Cllr Bacon said,

“We are going to have a very busy Island this summer with staycations.

“We have seen that already at the May Bank Holiday, so I am very conscious litter will be an issue.

“I will ensure we can do everything we can to make it as smaller a problem as possible.”

Crackdown on flytipping
Flytipping is also an area where a crackdown could be expected.

Having established areas of the waste portfolio now, Cllr Bacon said it seems as if the Conservatives’ task group was mentioned in name only, but flytipping is something he is very keen to see dealt with.

He said,

“I am going to bring that group together to deal with that issue as I know it is a concern for residents and the environment.”

In the last couple of months, there have been cases of flytipping found on St George’s Down, with one particular lot containing hazardous asbestos.

This article is from the BBC’s LDRS (Local Democracy Reporter Service) scheme, which News OnTheWight is part of. Read here to find about more about how that scheme works on the Island. Some alterations and additions may have been made by News OnTheWight. Ed

Image: bods under CC BY 2.0