Election manifesto from IW Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition


In the run-up to the Isle of Wight local election on 2nd May, OnTheWight will be publishing election manifestos for all parties with candidates standing for county council seats.

This in from Nancy Farrell on behalf of the Isle of Wight Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition. Ed

I am standing in this election for the TUSC in Ryde North-East as I believe for too long the Isle Of Wight Council has has been letting down Islanders by implementing cuts with little opposition from within. I have lived in Ryde since I was ten and have seen first hand the social problems that exist and how little the council does to try and remedy this situation.

The Island’s Libraries funding has been cut, they have also cut the island’s “supporting people” budget by £5.6million. These vital funds must be preserved to protect the most vulnerable people on the Island; it is not true that councils have no option but to implement the cuts, the Island needs Councillors who will oppose further cuts to council jobs, wages, and services for those who depend on them.

Bedroom tax and cuts to council tax benefit
The council has already implemented the bedroom tax and cuts to council tax benefit, despite the catastrophic lack of social housing meaning there are no smaller properties for the families who can’t pay to move into.

Homelessness is a hidden problem on the Isle Of Wight, but there are many homeless people and families on the Island. Many are placed in bed a breakfasts, while others are forced to “sofa surf” friend’s houses and get little or no help from the council to find housing. There is a scheme to help the poorest people with deposits to move into private rented accommodation, but it is incredibly difficult to qualify and many people are denied this help as a result. Bedroom tax will only make this problem worse as people who were lucky enough to get into social housing are evicted as they are deemed to be “under-occupying” their homes. This is a problem that cannot be ignored any longer and action needs to be taken now to rectify this situation.

Refuse the cuts
TUSC proposes that councils should refuse to implement the cuts, and the first instance should use their reserves and prudent borrowing powers to avoid passing them on to the people – while arguing that the best way to defeat the cuts is to set a budget that meets the needs of the local community and demands the government makes up the short fall.

The Island’s services cannot take any more cuts and I propose we do not cut further, and start to fix the damage the cuts have already done before it is too late.

Please visit my Facebook page if you’ like to discuss any of the points I raise or would like to highlight any other problems.

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