bembridge library christmas fair

Festive cheer boosts library’s funds

Thanks to Richard for this latest new from Bembridge Community Library. Ed

Bembridge Community Library’s annual Christmas Fayre held last Saturday (12 December) has been heralded a great success, raising hundreds of pounds towards its running costs.

The raffle alone raised nearly £400 after costs and with the sale of teas, coffees and homemade cakes as well as income from the gift stall, the Library benefited by more than £500.

Support from local businesses and supporters
Many of the raffle prizes were kindly donated by local businesses and library supporters, including a generous £100 voucher contribution from members of the Bembridge Business Association.

Organised by volunteers including Liz Mitchell, Glynis Cunliffe, Chris Brennan, and Chris Thornton, the event included music from the Bembridge Recorder Consort, Bembridge Bell Ringers and a charming rendition of Christmas Carols sung by the children of St Helens Primary School.