DJ and crowds at Fever nightclub

Fever’s 4am nightclub plans to enhance night-out experience

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An Isle of Wight nightclub’s owners want to be able to open even later, to allow dancing into the wee small hours.

Fever and Boutique, on Coppins Bridge in Newport, could stay open for an extra hour, until 4am, if permission is granted.

At the moment, the club stops serving drinks at 3am and gives revellers half an hour to drink up and head home, on Friday and Saturday nights.

The Stonegate Group is also looking to extend the latest entry time until 2am and wants to allow drinks outside in the smoking area, in plastic or polycarbonate cups.

Longer holiday hours
It is also looking to have longer opening hours on Christmas Eve, Boxing Day, Maundy Thursday and Sundays before a bank holiday Monday.

In its application to the Isle of Wight council, those behind the six-year-old venue say they want to offer customers the chance to stay later, in a ‘well-run and safe environment’.

Extension would allow for extended wind-down period
They say they have carefully considered the proposed changes and the extension would allow for an extended wind-down period and a more gradual dispersal of customers.

The application says there are already robust policies and measures in place to prevent public nuisance, crime and disorder and to protect public safety, arguing further conditions on its licence were not necessary.

View the plans
You can view the application, 23/01475/LAPVAR, on the Isle of Wight council’s licensing register.

The public consultation runs until 27th October.

This article is from the BBC’s LDRS (Local Democracy Reporter Service) scheme, which News OnTheWight is taking part in. Some alterations and additions may have been made by OnTheWight. Ed