Hants Council Contemporary Art Collection Now Online

Thanks to Madeline Paterson for letting us know about this. We’ve been really impressed with the collections in Southampton, so great to see it now online. Ed

Hampshire County Council’s Contemporary Art Collection is now available to view online for the very first time.

The collection of nearly 400 pieces, which has been accumulated over 20 years, includes the work of significant British artists, such as limited edition prints by Bridget Riley, Henry Moore, and John Piper, through to more recent additions from Hampshire-based artists or works depicting Hampshire scenes, including a set of works bequeathed to the council by artist Nick Schlee.

120,000 digitised images
The collection of almost 400 works adds to the national collection of over 120,000 digitised images available online through the Visual Arts Data Service (VADS) where Hampshire’s database is held.

VADS is a research centre based at the University for the Creative Arts (UCA) and provides global online access to hundreds of unique art and design collections from universities, colleges, libraries, museums and archives across the UK, for free use in non-commercial education and research.

The online launch follows the recent Land Sea Sky exhibition at the Winchester Discovery Centre which presented a selection of paintings from the Contemporary Art Collection with a particular focus on rural and coastal landscapes.

For more information about Hampshire’s Contemporary Art Collection and its development, see the website

Image: © Fruit and Bowl by Patrick Caulfield. Photographer’s credit: Joe Low.