recycling symbol on a wheelie bin
Image: sigmund under CC BY 2.0

Have your say in the annual Isle of Wight council waste service satisfaction survey

“What do you think of your waste and recycling service?”

That’s the question being posed by the Isle of Wight council today (Monday) as it launches its annual customer satisfaction survey.

Every year the council asks residents for their views and ideas on how the Island can recycle more and reduce its waste.

The authority is responsible for the collection, treatment, recycling and disposal of household recyclables and waste on the Island. This is delivered through a contract with its waste provider.

Peacey-Wilcox: Your chance to give us ideas on how to improve
Councillor Lora Peacey-Wilcox, Cabinet member for waste, said,

“We’re asking you to share your views and experiences of waste services across the Island, including household waste, recycling and food waste collections, bulky waste collections, and the recycling centres.  

“It’s also your chance to give us ideas on how we can continue to recycle more and reduce waste.”

Dix: Your opinion really counts
Natasha Dix, service director for waste, environment and planning, said,

“Thank you in advance for taking the time to give us your feedback on the waste and recycling services you receive.

“Your opinion really counts.

“Your feedback from the survey will help to identify what aspects of these services you’re happy with as well as the areas which could be improved.

“Once the survey has finished, and of course, we will let you know the results.”

Don’t miss the deadline
The consultation is available online from today and will run until midnight on Friday 12th January 2024.

Paper versions will be available by request. Please direct requests for paper copies by emailing [email protected] or call (01983) 823777.

Paper copies will also be available at all council-run local libraries.

If filling in a paper copy of this survey, please return by 5pm on Monday, 15th January 2024 to:

Waste Management
County Hall
High Street
PO30 1UD

Unfortunately, no responses received after the closing date can be considered by the council.

News shared by Isle of Wight council press office, in their own words. Ed