Hurrah For The Isle Of Wight Council!

Yes, that’s right. Hurrah for the Isle of Wight council!

Nothing interesting hereYou might remember reports a while back about local authorities across the UK losing private data, though lost memory sticks, laptops, etc.

Privacy campaign group Big Brother Watch (BBW) got their sleuth investigative hats on, sending off Freedom of Information (FoI) requests to 433 council to find out the true scale of the number of times that personal data had been lost.

Shockingly they found 1,035 incidents (details in the BBW PDF).

Here’s where the hurrah for the council is – there were none reported by the Isle of Wight council.

IWC – Good at holding on to data
We’re not that surprised. We know the council is pretty good at holding on to their data – even the stuff they’re supposed to be making public!

(Thanks Eric! Via)

Image: booksnake under a CC BY 2.0 license