Ideas To Save Bonchurch Village Hall Sought By Community Association

Thanks to Sandra for sharing this news with VB readers. Ed

Bonchurch Village HallThe Bonchurch Community Association has been asked by The Bonchurch Hall Rescue Group to represent them in the publishing of this letter, feeling that the BCA is a recognised body relating to the care and preservation of the village. This letter outlines the facts of the situation regarding the Hall and adjacent Cottage intended to put right any misinformation that may exist in our community.

For the past few years the St Boniface Parochial Church Council, the official owners of the hall and cottage, has found it difficult to keep three buildings fully maintained; the Parish Church, The Old Church and the Hall and adjacent cottage (originally the Schoolroom and Schoolmaster’s Cottage). The buildings have suffered from many years of neglect, and our present PCC inherited the legacy.

English Heritage could only offer match funding
Towards the end of 2011 large cracks had appeared in parts of the Old Church and were going to be very expensive to repair. English Heritage was approached for funding and showed much interest. But on seeing the books they said that while the PCC retained The Hall and cottage, which they deemed a saleable asset, English Heritage could only offer match funding.

On the one hand needing the funds to save the Old Church and on the other wanting to save a historic part of Bonchurch and last commercially free community facility left in the village, the PCC reluctantly announced their intention to sell the Hall and Cottage.

Bonchurch Hall Rescue Committee
Following a couple of open forums, a meeting was called for anyone who felt deeply towards keeping the Hall and had positive ideas of how to go about it. From that meeting came the Bonchurch Hall Rescue Committee. The Group sought clarity on a number of key issues and searched for papers needed to take the project forward.

Valuation beyond means of the group
Having considered a variety of ways to purchase the Hall and Cottage for the community and take it forward as a going concern, they were found to be unrealistic when the PCC’s estate agents valued the property at £380K -£420K.

This, plus legal and refurbishment costs needed in place prior to auction (required by church/charity law) next month, placed it way beyond the means of The Group.

Adding at least £100K – £150K to the purchase price to bring both buildings up to an acceptable standard requires over half a million pounds in available funds. Therefore, The Rescue Group, with immense regret, must step out of the running.

Served the community since 1847
The hall has served the community in Bonchurch since it was built in 1847, as a school to educate the children, the future of the village. It went onto house the Women’s Institute; it sustained the community as a place to gather through two world wars.

A centre for celebration after christenings, marriages and birthdays and a place to share memories after loved ones had passed away and of course many church festivals. Even up to today it was home to Bonchurch’s famous and much missed Summer Wednesday Coffee mornings, The Social Club and The Bonchurch Village Singers “¦”¦ the list is endless.

Your ideas sought
If you, the reader, can think of someone or someway that our beautiful Grade 2 listed Hall and Cottage can be saved to continue to serve the community then please contact the Bonchurch Community Association, urgently, before it goes to auction on July 26th.

Sandra Gonzalez on 07785718096 [email protected]
Brian Lucas 855406 [email protected]

On behalf of the residents of Bonchurch, The BCA thanks everybody who, over many years, worked so hard to raise funds, run events and, more recently, tried to retain it as a community facility.