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Improvements being made at College, say Ofsted

Ofsted have released their latest inspection report for Medina College today. It is the second visit since the school was judged to ‘require improvement’.

The inspector reports that “senior leaders and governors are taking effective action to tackle the areas requiring improvement identified at the recent section 5 inspection in order to become a good school”.

Improvements required
In order to become a Good school, further action must be taken:

  • increase the rigour of monitoring and robustly evaluate improvements to teaching, learning and assessment by their impact on pupils’ progress
  • strengthen school improvement plans by adding measurable milestones which governors can use to evaluate the impact of actions taken by school leaders.

Improvements made
Highlights of improvement from the report include:

  • There is a greater culture of openness and collaboration throughout the school, which has helped to increase the pace of improvement in teaching and learning.
  • A new assessment system which provides information about the expected progression of pupils from Years 7 to 11 in every subject
  • A revised feedback policy outlines expectations of teachers to provide precise advice to pupils about how to improve their work and how pupils are expected to act on this advice.
  • The library was stocked with very many more books and a librarian was appointed in September. She has improved the use of a structured reading scheme and worked closely with the English department to develop reading journals.
  • The pastoral system was re-organised from ‘houses’, with pupils from all years mixed in tutor groups, to a year-group system. Both pastoral and subject leaders report that this has brought benefits, particularly regarding academic mentoring and age-related interventions.
  • The school’s behaviour policy relaunched with increased clarity about consequences for poor behaviour. Behaviour in lessons has improved and fewer pupils were excluded in the autumn term.
  • Overall attendance at the school has improved a little.
  • Improvements made throughout the school during the first year following the inspection had a positive impact on the 2016 outcomes for Year 11.

The Report
Full details can be found in the report below. Click on the full screen icon to see larger version.

Image: apdk under CC BY 2.0

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