don't bomb syria

Island teenager organises peaceful protest against Syrian airstrikes

Seventeen year old Sebastian (Basti) Robert is hoping to bring Islanders together on Saturday (12th) afternoon for a peaceful protest against the Government’s decision to carry out air strikes in Syria.

He believes Andrew Turner’s decision not to vote on the issue left the Island unrepresented in Parliament. A Facebook event page has been set up and is doing the rounds on social media, inviting Islanders to join Basti and others outside County Hall, Newport from noon on Saturday.

He says,

This is a call for EVERYONE on the Island who is against the recent decision to bomb Syria. Our MP, Andrew Turner, made the decision NOT TO VOTE at all, leaving the Island unrepresented in parliament.

Bombing Syria has been portrayed in the media as just an ‘expansion’ or entering the ‘limelight’ this is a disgrace, showing such disregard for human life is itself inhumane.

Although ISIS needs to be eradicated, bombing a whole country is not the answer, as we saw in 2003 when Tony Blair’s government brought us to war in Iraq, where ISIS emerged and hundreds of thousands of civilians were killed.

Andrew Turner, who was unable to carry out his job, needs to be woken up. David Cameron, who continues to push his own ideologies into parliament, needs to hear our voice. Most importantly, we as an Island need to stop being idle and stand up for our beliefs!

For updates, visit the event page on Facebook.

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