·1 min read
Hear stories of the Rev Edgar Greenshield, the Newport man who undertook polar explorations at the beginning of the 20th century and returned a hero and celebrity
·1 min read
If you get caught up in the diversion on Tuesday evening and want to head to the other side of the village, it could take you half an hour.
·2 min read
Cllr Ellis says that if UKOG decide to appeal the Isle of Wight council's refusal of their planning application, the decision should be made by those who are political accountable - in this case, the Secretary of State
·2 min read
Angel wing window stickers are available now in return for a donation to the Wight Brainy Bunch charity. Find out what they mean within
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Island Roads say representatives from 30 Arreton businesses voted overwhelmingly in favour of undertaking the work under one closure for up to 12 weeks, rather than in a series of shorter closures.
·2 min read
Anti-oil drilling campaigners on the Isle of Wight received national support during an online meeting last night, with advice and encouragement from successful challenges against fossil fuel exploration in the North of England
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The Isle of Wight council was asked what it would be doing to encourage public engagement before the deadline for the planning application
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The planning committee rejected a motion calling for the public consultation surrounding the application for oil drilling in Arreton to be withdrawn and reintroduced at a different time
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Isle of Wight council planning officers recommend ‘conditional permission’ for oil exploration plans
The Planning Committee will make the final decision, but officers are recommending conditional permission
·1 min read
The application for an exploratory well pad is currently under public consultation, but inconsistencies and discrepancies in the way the application has been advertised have been raised