roadside memorial

Isle of Wight council says ‘No’ to permanent roadside memorials

The council share this latest news. Ed

A new approach balancing sensitivity with safety for roadside memorials on the Isle of Wight has been approved.

To respect the wishes of the bereaved the council has adopted a new policy which allows low key memorials for a limited period.

Supported by police
Police support the approach, and although for safety reasons permanent monuments would be removed – alternatives like planting of flowers will be discussed with families.

Cabinet member for transport, Cllr Ian Ward, said,

“This is a really sensitive and sensible policy which takes great care to balance proper respect for those grieving with road safety requirements in these areas.

“Each case would be looked at individually, and we would do so in a proportionate and caring way. The policy provides clarity for people.

“Hampshire Police liaison officers would be able to offer advice – and so would our bereavement services team for acceptable sites for permanent memorials to loved ones.”

The new policy gives helpful advice on placing memorials for a short period, including near junctions and roadworks.

Image: smoking_banana under CC BY 2.0