Isle of Wight Council To Revise Budget Proposals

At tonight’s Cabinet meeting, leader of the council, Cllr David Pugh announced that a revised appproach would be taken to the budget cuts.

David PughFollowing a mass of correspondence from concerned residents, he said that revised recomendations would be presented to the Full Council on 23rd February.

He stressed the importance of a balanced budget needing to be submitted, but welcomed the alternative budget announced earlier by the Independent Group of Councillors.

Pugh explained that there may be further adjustments before full council, but said the council would continue to invest in schools, the road PFI, fireservice modernisation, etc.

This following amendment was added to the budget papers presented tonight

The Schedule of savings set out in Appendix 5, subject to:

* consideration of the outcomes of the consultations on the future of the library service and public conveniences, and any recommendations, with budget implications, emanating from that;

* consideration of any viable proposal, under active consideration at the time of the budget setting process, for the future management of Waterside Pool;

* further work to be undertaken to find alternative savings that would not require the introduction of passenger charges on the Chain Ferry;

* further work to be undertaken to ensure that budget savings of £17.833m are still agreed, taking into account any revised recommendation and budget implications relating to the above

Read the paper in full (minus the amendment above)

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