wreath for grandmothers funeral made from GIVE donated flowers

Isle of Wight GIVE members share their garden flowers for Grandmother’s funeral wreath

Holly Maslen’s Green Island Veg Economy (GIVE) Facebook Group has gone from strength to strength since News OnTheWight first reported on it just one week into the Coronavirus lockdown.

The GIVE Group has received national attention, with now almost 7,500 members now taking part in swapping and sharing their excess seedlings or crops. It’s a wonderful place to see the Isle of Wight’s true community spirit in action – with this recent appeal by Bethan Linington being a case in point.

Flowers for Grandmother’s wreath
Last week Bethan posted an appeal for flowers to make a wreath for her Grandmother’s funeral, which takes place today (Tuesday).

She asked,

“Sadly I lost my dear Nana two weeks ago, I’ve been looking to buy a flower arrangement for her funeral next week, but money is very tight and anything from the florist is so expensive.

“I just don’t have that sort of money at this time. We are going to be the only people at the funeral so there will be no flowers from anyone else either.

“So I was thinking of having a go at making something myself, however I don’t have any flowers in my garden! I was hoping some of you lovely people might have a few spare flowers in your gardens that I could pick up to put in my arrangement?

“I haven’t got the first clue about what flowers go together etc., but if a few people had a few different things I could use, it could turn out beautifully.”

GIVE members live up to their name
Cue the community-minded GIVE members, and a week later Bethan shared another post.

This time it was a photo of the beautiful wreath that will be used today at her Grandmother’s funeral. It was created with donated flowers from GIVE members.

The beautiful wreath for Bethan's Grandmother's funeral

To join the Group and take part in the Green Island Veg Economy, head over to Facebook.

Our thoughts are with Bethan and her family today.

Image: © Bethan Linington