artecology on countryfile

Isle of Wight is the destination for this week’s BBC Countryfile

This Sunday’s Countryfile features some fantastic projects taking place on the Isle of Wight.

Tune into BBC1 from 5.25pm to see our friends from Artecology, the team of artists and ecologists creating amazing things, catch up with Margherita Taylor.

The award-winning team are well-known on the Isle of Wight for their amazing Vertipools at Wightlink’s Fishbourne terminal, as well as incredible eelevator designed and built for Island Roads.

And there’s more
John Craven and Helen Skelton are also on the Island during the programme:

John Craven, Helen Skelton and Margherita Taylor are on the Isle of Wight, where John meets the amateur dinosaur hunter finding new prehistoric creatures along the coast. He also visits the miniature village where traditional building skills are being applied on a tiny scale. Margherita takes to the waves to see how artificial rock pools are throwing a lifeline to some of the islands most vulnerable sea species, and Helen hears about the challenges of farming in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. She also meets the young farmers who is also a whizz in the mountain-biking world.

If you’re interested in medical cannabis, there’s also a segment with Adam Henson visiting one of the biggest growers in the country.

Image: © Artecology – Nigel George explains how sculpting textured surfaces help to give biodiversity a helping hand