Smiling baby lying on a white towel

Isle of Wight Maternity Services rated one of the best in latest CQC maternity survey

As reported by News OnTheWight in December, a recent CQC inspection highlighted positive changes in Isle of Wight NHS Trust maternity services and gave it an overall rating of ‘Good’.

Results published by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) also show positive experiences for pregnant women and their families receiving care on the Island.

National Maternity Survey 2022
The National Maternity Survey 2022 highlights what people think about their experiences of antenatal care, childbirth and postnatal care. 

Maternity Services at St Mary’s Hospital scored the highest compared with other Trusts in the region in two of the three areas surveyed. This included the start of care, during pregnancy and antenatal check-ups. The Isle of Wight is the second highest performing Trust for people’s experience during pregnancy.

Performed above the national average
St Mary’s Hospital performed above the national average in the following areas:

  • Patients were able to have their partner with them as much as they wanted
  • Help was available as soon as they felt they needed it
  • A midwife was available to speak to as much as felt needed after birth
  • Patients felt they were discharged from hospital without delay
  • Patients felt they were given enough information about Coronavirus restrictions at the beginning of their antenatal care

Pearson: Really grateful to everyone who took part
Amanda Pearson, Director of Midwifery said,

“Every experience shared is really important to us. It is pleasing to see the number of women and birthing people who answered positively to questions about their care.

“Only by listening to the experiences of pregnant women, birthing people and their families can we improve the overall experience of Maternity care.

“This survey has given us some areas to further improve and we are really grateful to everyone who took part.”

Taking part
The survey gathered the experiences of people who had a birth during 1st February and 28th February 2022. 124 people were invited to take part in the survey at St Mary’s and 43 per cent completed and returned the questionnaire.

The National Maternity Survey 2022 results are available on the Care Quality Commission Website.

News shared by Isle of Wight NHS Trust, in their own words. Ed

Image: Filip Mroz under CC BY 2.0