County Hall chamber

Isle of Wight Planning Committee meeting to decide UKOG application to be live streamed

Residents are being reminded that today’s (Tuesday) planning committee will be available to watch live online.

The meeting is expected to attract considerable interest with the committee due to consider UKOG’s application for oil exploration at Arreton.

Limited public space
With space limited at County Hall to enable social distancing, the Isle of Wight Council said the safest way for people to observe the debate was virtually from home via the website.

People should not attend in person if they or someone in their household has symptoms of Covid-19, has tested positive, or if they need to self-isolate.

Take a test before attending
The council also asks that people take a symptom free rapid lateral flow test no later than one hour before the meeting.

Those who wish to attend should also:

  • wear a face covering while in the building;
  • wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water, before and after the meeting;
  • keep a safe social distance from other people when entering and leaving the building and during the meeting.

For more local information on COVID, visit

News shared by Isle of Wight council press office, in their own words. Ed

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