Join The Carbon Cycle Celebration This Weekend

Thanks to Tanja Rebel for letting VB readers know about this upcoming event. Ed

BicyclesSaturday the 24th of September will celebrate one of the best ever invented modes of transport: The Bike!

Carbon Cycle Celebration aims to highlight the amazing efficiency of the “steel horse” as well as the environmental advantages that come with it, such as cleaner air, less noise pollution and better health for all.

There will be live music from Fat Samba, Lucid and Mick Watson, as well as BMX stunt shows, obstacle courses, vintage bicycles and a Bicycle Bell Symphony!

To top it all off, the day will finish with a free guided cycle ride around Newport led by Tim Thorne and Steve Goodman. Come and enjoy!

Find out more by visiting Events OnTheWight

Image: Rob The Moment under CC BY 2.0